
Poetry and Rock and Roll

Friday, October 13, 2006

How Great Thou Are

How Great Thou Are

I was a tree on a whim. Out on a limb. In spring I was born. In summer I grew green. In autumn I was shining. In winter I was dead. How Great Thou Are was life itself. A science mission. More than any branches, leaves, and roots. The sky made love to me. And burned me cold. Where How Great Thou Art.

Then as a child. The wind with me. Silence was my friend. Spirit was the ghost of love, everlasting life.

Harmony of soul. The sound that can be can't be heard. The song there won't you be with me. The island built for two, with the revolution dinner table. Foreverfound. Holynow. Paulharmony. The sound of love. And laughing. Always the same, always love. Everything, the One true God.

Bought every word they sold, including government. High priced Jesus. The Son of a Bible. A Burroughs jam, to Kerouac. Who would ever be that dumb, to believe such soulless speech. Whoever all the devil was fucking at the bottom of it. The mundane denial of everything holy, sign me up. Who would deny neverending love? Shall whisper ever whisper? Forever in tender heart. When will you accept the truth? That God loves us all. As I love each and every one of you.

Other planet love. Other moonman glove. The beautiful girl. The woman of life. A love, a love, a love. Hallelujah!

I played an easy part. I wrote for the writers who wrote for the stage. Cast them in the best light.

It is a blessed fate to be a refreshing drink or delicious food. Though being on the menu means you will get eaten. It is a cherub's fate to not expect holiness from you. Sins are forgiven if asked, they will serve me up. And heaven shakes. The maker of restaurant chains. The turkeys gobbled me up.

The way the Earth moves is the way William Shakespeare writes his name. All good things stay the same. He owns The Globe. The way the world goes about its business, Shakespeare is alive and well. Writing Hamlet and Othello. And words we never knew about.

Press, stay dear. I will lie. Keep me perpetually your darling. Why would you be interviewing me instead of it being just us talking? We will find at times we should just enjoy the silence. Take you for a hayride. With the light bulb keep the words to turn the inside out, to change the world. Front page of the star, the sun.

Embrace your soul. Defy yourself in every moment you seek to be. Near to Newton's beach, near the holy water. Of youth! Embrace. How low could Jesus go? As low as anyone could go. He is always Jesus. He doesn't just leave us in limbo. Older than most. The popular only God in school. Never left the garden, never quarreled with Thoreau, Walden. Henry David Pond.

Love is dangerous in oppressive times. Through made up wars and phony downward economic shifts, depressions. What is real is our perception, our beliefs about reality. Love is dangerous in oppressive times because it represents true wealth, knowledge and wisdom. Unwavering bravery.

And now for the final dose of Aldous Huxley. Star man. Fucking star man. Bless you like Hendrix, man. Let me live my life. Healing+Santana. A dose of John and Yoko. A ballad 'bout, a Jagger in the Heart. The body of Groucho Marx. The plane Tim Leary tuned into. The dungeon Lou Reed went to. The blues that Jerry knew. What Dylan knew. The Hoffman right.

Wishing well, I wish you well. For all the wishes you posess, penny manifest. Even silver waters. And spellbound empty bottom, to dive in fully. A magic well. To have your secret wish me well. A casting bell. To feel you coming true.

Thunderbolt, Tesla dream. Genius strikes. Brilliant light. From Earth to Sky. Right back at you.

I dreamt God was Don Van Vliet. At the zoo with the animals. Painting when painting was easy. Talk about meticulous, caring. Sculpting our future, alive in the ocean. Alive as a person.

The Ultimate Reality is that you spent way too much time worrying about what it is instead of understanding it as the mystery that you are. Get on with it. Don't age, be Forever Young. Moses coming down from Mt. Baldy. Your stoned face. You're trying to get to a place you always are. True character, not some ploy. Artistic merit, merriment. Religious, selfless eternal life.

It is the people and not the artist that makes an endeavor artistic. All the oohs and aahs, the artist to himself is God, a humble servant. Willing to heal you and not take your money. The artist is instrumental to what really happens in life. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves. For the artist isn't there to fool around. He's there to be on stage, to be the poet of the masses.

Stand alone. Whatever became of you? You are set in stone. It doesn't matter if they shit on you.

The Bible says forgive your enemies, so I forgive you. It is us both as One. Attacking you is attacking me. And attacking me is attacking you. It doesn't begin to stop until realized. When you are God's gift you set me free. Open up the gifts of love. There is no boundary, and no one can question it without truly making a mockery of everything holy. This is Love, The Bible says to break on through.


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